Our Mission

"... And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers." - Acts 2

Our Values

The Value of God's Manifest Presence

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18 "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him." John 14:21

The Value of Dynamic Spontaneous Praise and Worship
Our response to God's presence is seen in our enthusiastic worship: clapping, lifting hands and singing spontaneous, unrehearsed songs to the Lord.

The Value of God's Word

We believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, the authoritative and trustworthy rule of faith and practice for all Christians. 2 Timothy 3:16

The Value of Holy Spirit Activity

In both our personal and corporate life as believers, we welcome the moving of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are part of our basic belief system and practice.

The Value of Family

We express this commitment to marriage and family with our strong emphasis in teaching, counseling, and home groups.

The Value of Relationships

Loving one another is our goal. We work to make this practical through home groups, where every believer is encouraged to develop deeper relationships with other believers in Christ.

The Value of Unity

Our goal is not conformity, but unity of the spirit and purpose. Unity allows members to express themselves in a variety of ways while still maintaining the same principles and convictions. In this way we flow together in accomplishing vision.

The Value of Holiness

Holiness is not legalism that is measured by outward appearance, but a true cleansing of the heart of the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by Christian character and conduct.

The Value of Prayer

We believe that intercession is the call of every believer. Therefore, the voice of prayer is heard as we pray aloud together in our Sunday celebration times. We believe this principle to be the engine of power in our church life. This is accomplished by individuals and home groups praying and fasting for a manifestation of the Kingdom of God in our area.

The Value of Reaching the Lost

We believe that every believer is called to reach those individuals who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are committed to remain aggressive in reaching the lost.

The Value of Integrity

There is no substitute for godly character. We hold this value in highest esteem and filter all other values through this one. Uprightness, trustworthiness and transparency are foundation stones in our church community.

Our Leadership

Our approach to our church life together is a bit different than you'll find at many places. While we do have a "lead pastor" in Jason and Michele Tomczak, we believe in a plurality of leaders, who work together in unity and share the load. Obviously, Jesus is the ultimate leader of our church, BUT we do have a few leaders who help direct the day-to-day aspects of the church. 

The Tomczaks, Scalfs and DeSotos serve as ordained pastors/elders, and there are dozens of other leaders functioning in various roles throughout the church body.

  • Jason & Michele Tomczak

    Jason and Michele Tomczak met while attending Brownsville Revival School of Ministry (BRSM) back in 1998. After graduating, they moved to Georgia and served at TCA (originally called "Christ the King Church”) in various roles over the years. In 2008, the leadership at the church was transitioned over to them and they've been the leading pastors since then. 

    Their two biggest passions in life and ministry are 1. Worship and 2. Caring for Orphans. 

    They have three adopted sons:

    Jonathan is 20 years old and originally from Nicaragua.

    Samuel is 18 years old and originally from South Africa.

    Ezra is 9 years old and is originally from China.

  • Gary & Cindy Scalf

    Gary and Cindy Scalf have been married for 31 years and have been a part of The Church At Acworth for 16 years. Gary serves as an associate pastor and handles the areas of teaching and small groups. 

    Their greatest passion is to see the Kingdom of God lived out in the lives of the church community.

  • MAtt & Karen DeSoto

    Matt and Karen DeSoto have been married for 20 years and have been a part of The Church At Acworth for 20+ years. Matt is one of our associate pastors and is passionate about discipleship, multiplication and intimacy with the Lord.  

    Their greatest desire is to see the Kingdom of God advance and grow, and for Christ to be glorified through His Bride.